Together, we are IMPACTING LIVES

Katallasso is 100% Donor Funded - It is our donors, volunteers, and community partners who are making a difference in the York Community.

Please enjoy these encouraging stories of impact.

Stephen Kurtz Stephen Kurtz

Taking the Time

My name is Dr. Tomi Uwazota. I was born in Nigeria and moved to the United States when I was 18 years old. When I learned about Katallasso, I saw it as a wonderful opportunity to help provide no-cost care for patients who don't have insurance or the means to access the medical care they need.

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Stephen Kurtz Stephen Kurtz

Giving Something of Great Value

“Hey, you look great with those brand-new red sneakers that match your red hat.”

I recently greeted one of my patients, Jose, with these words. He was at Katallasso for a follow-up appointment. A newly diagnosed diabetic, he was anxious to hear the lab results since his last appointment four weeks prior.

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Stephen Kurtz Stephen Kurtz

2023 In Numbers [Infographic]

Check out this infographic for an overview of the important numbers from 2023… patients, volunteers, generous donors, and more!

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Stephen Kurtz Stephen Kurtz

Coming Home

My name is Alfortunado “Neo” Correa. There’s a long story to that nickname. I adopted it while being in York County Prison. I’ve been in prison numerous times.

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Newsletter Stephen Kurtz Newsletter Stephen Kurtz

Unregretted Time

Early in his work to reinvent Twitter, now X, Elon Musk shared his main metric of success: unregretted user minutes. He stated that he wanted users’ experience to be “fun and interesting and informative.” His hope was to increasingly hear, “Hey, I’ve spent two hours on Twitter, and I don’t regret those two hours.” You can be the judge of how well Musk is doing at hitting this goal.

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Newsletter Stephen Kurtz Newsletter Stephen Kurtz

Care from the Heart of God

PATIENT STORY: “I took a whole lot of pills. I drank a whole lot of alcohol. I did a whole lot of drugs. And the intent was to die. I just thought the world would be better off without me. God had another plan.“

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Newsletter Stephen Kurtz Newsletter Stephen Kurtz

Recap: Celebration Breakfast 2023

Our hearts are overflowing from this fall’s Celebration Breakfast. We sat amazed at the growth and impact of Katallasso. What started out as an idea around one kitchen table has expanded to a beautiful tapestry of unique and gifted names and faces. We were incredibly blessed to gather on Saturday, September 30, with just a few of those God has woven together.

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Newsletter Stephen Kurtz Newsletter Stephen Kurtz

The Basic Truths that Motivate Us

Catherine woke up to the screams of the children who live in the apartment above her. Out of her second story window she could see firetrucks blocking the street. Her apartment building was engulfed in flames. Catherine made it out of the building safely, but she lost all her belongings.

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Newsletter Stephen Kurtz Newsletter Stephen Kurtz

How Are You?

It seems like a harmless question—”How are you?” It’s a simple, commonplace probe that is regularly used to start a conversation, and it’s often how I begin a dialogue with my patients at Katallasso.

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Stories Stephen Kurtz Stories Stephen Kurtz

Dispensing the Love of Christ

“Freely you have received; freely give.” With these words, Jesus sends out his disciples to those that are lost, broken, sick, and oppressed by the evil foe. After all, Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.

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Fundraising Stephen Kurtz Fundraising Stephen Kurtz

Giving Local for Eternal Impact

Since Katallasso does not receive direct federal funding or have access to federally funded prescription drug programs, we rely on the generosity of our volunteers, donors, and community partners to sustain the mission of providing life-transforming healthcare.

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