Recap: Celebration Breakfast 2023
Our hearts are overflowing from this fall’s Celebration Breakfast. We sat amazed at the growth and impact of Katallasso. What started out as an idea around one kitchen table has expanded to a beautiful tapestry of unique and gifted names and faces. We were incredibly blessed to gather on Saturday, September 30, with just a few of those God has woven together.
Throughout the morning, we heard from several members of this tapestry, our Community of Impact. If you were unable to join us this year, please read on and be encouraged by the testimonies shared at the event. YOU are an important part of this mission.
We honored Linda Topper, a special long-time volunteer physical therapist. Linda prefers to work behind the scenes and not be in the spotlight, so taking a moment to recognize her faithfulness in serving the community was special.
We heard beautiful sharing from one of our patients, Mercedes Fraling. She shared about being in a dark place when she came to Katallasso. Over the last few years, God has brought her to a wonderful place of healing. Mercedes concluded her testimony with a song. Not a dry eye in the room!
Thank you, Mercedes, for sharing your story and allowing us to be encouraged by God’s work in and through your life.
Volunteer medical provider, Dr. Ridge Salter, brought a personal and inspiring encouragement about his monthly volunteer time at the clinic. He shared his experience of professional burnout and how coming to serve at Katallasso has been a benefit and antidote to his burnout.
Thank you Dr. Salter for your humble example of caring for those in need.
Community Partners
We heard greetings from Katallasso board member and community partner, Darlene Leonard, Director of Community Services for Northeast Neighborhood Association.
Natasha Kukorlo, Executive Director of York Habitat for Humanity and board member at Friends & Neighbors of Pennsylvania, Inc. shared about community impact.
Community Aid
Steve Sullivan (CEO) and Laura Brown (COO) of CommunityAid brought an uplifting message of how working together can change lives. One of their missions is to bring community organizations together for increased impact on our neighbors in need. Our patients are directly impacted by our partnership with CommunityAid and funding through the CommunityAid Foundation.
Thanks to all who attended! Couldn’t make it? Mark your calendar for the Cornhole Classic on June 1, 2024!
Thank you!
Genesis Church for preparing and serving our wonderful breakfast. Dorie Amspacher, you and your amazing team went above and beyond!
Our friends at Millie’s Meadow donated 30 beautiful fresh flower centerpieces. Thank You so much! You brightened our entire morning!
Katallasso Events Planning Team (Lora Abel, Myriam Correa, & Tammi Bortner) for pulling together all the details that go into a gathering of this size. Well done!