The Basic Truths that Motivate Us

Catherine woke up to the screams of the children who live in the apartment above her. Out of her second story window she could see firetrucks blocking the street. Her apartment building was engulfed in flames. Catherine made it out of the building safely, but she lost all her belongings.

Our every need, He meets. And with that faith, we turn to see our neighbor’s need, and we will do what we can to meet that need.

A few weeks after the fire, Catherine sat in an exam room at Katallasso. With a smile on her face, she shared that she is thankful to be alive and that God is so good to her. Our volunteer provider refilled her medications that had been lost in the fire, prayed with her, and then was able to give her several Care Cards to the local CommunityAid store so she could begin to replace her lost items. Catherine was so grateful for this generosity.

As Catherine exited the exam room, she turned and asked if she could give the Care Cards to someone else that she knew who was in need. In her deep need, she was graciously thinking of others.

Her concern for others greatly touched us and reminded us of a few basic truths that motivate our work at Katallasso. Namely, that God is good. He richly and daily provides us with all we need to support this body and life. Our every need, He meets. And with that faith, we turn to see our neighbor’s need, and we will do what we can to meet that need.

YOUR support is impacting people like Catherine, who then turn around and pass on the blessing to others.

God has richly provided for YOU, and He is now using YOU to provide for the physical and emotional needs of those experiencing a loss of health insurance coverage. I am thankful for YOU.

Stephen Kurtz

Grace and peace,

Stephen Kurtz
Executive Director


Recap: Celebration Breakfast 2023


Sustaining Joy in Answering the Call