Thankful: Give Local York

THANK YOU for extending God's love through compassionate healthcare to those in need.

Your prayers and support during this year's Give Local York campaign will dissolve the barriers many uninsured face when confronted with illness and pain. We can't wait to share their stories with you in the days ahead.

1 in 4 new patients do not have anyone to talk to about their health and life problems.

54% of our new patients shared that in the past 12 months, they NEEDED to see a doctor or take medication but DID NOT because of cost. Because of YOU, they now receive the compassionate care and treatments they need.

1 in 4 of our new patients told us that they DO NOT have any family, friends, or community groups with whom they can talk about their health or problems in their life. Because of YOU, each of these patients is now known, valued, cared for, and loved by our dedicated volunteer providers and nurses.

Thank you, and God bless you!


Giving Something of Great Value


2023 In Numbers [Infographic]