Unregretted Time
Early in his work to reinvent Twitter, now X, Elon Musk shared his main metric of success: unregretted user minutes. He stated that he wanted users’ experience to be “fun and interesting and informative.” His hope was to increasingly hear, “Hey, I’ve spent two hours on Twitter, and I don’t regret those two hours.” You can be the judge of how well Musk is doing at hitting this goal.
We all want our days (and our minutes) to have purpose, meaning, and not be wasted. We all wish we could recapture misspent hours, and even squandered days.
“Every volunteer hour at Katallasso is an unregretted hour.”
Recently, a volunteer provider mentioned that they felt they had grown spiritually since joining the team at Katallasso. They experienced a strengthening of their faith as they provided care for our patients. A local college student who was recently shadowing with one of our volunteer doctors described their experience by stating, “I cannot believe how caring and relational the provider and patient interaction was. I’ve never experienced that with my doctor.”
I can confidently say that time spent serving our patients at the clinic will be unregretted time. You will not leave the clinic desiring that time to be returned to you. With just a handful of staff members, our volunteers are vital in decimating the barriers that our patients face to access the health care they desperately need. I invite you to consider becoming an active volunteer with Katallasso.
Everyday our volunteers save and preserve the lives of those we serve. And every volunteer hour at Katallasso is an unregretted hour. Whatever your God-given gifts and skill sets, will you deploy those gifts for His glory and for the benefit of those who are without health insurance?
I promise you will not regret a minute of it!
Grace and peace,
Stephen Kurtz
Executive Director