How Are You?

From the President

Duane Furman
President | Medical Director | Co-Founder

It seems like a harmless question—”How are you?” It’s a simple, commonplace probe that is regularly used to start a conversation, and it’s often how I begin a dialogue with my patients at Katallasso.

It surprised me then when this casual inquiry recently set off a transformational moment of sharing for one of my patients.

During a routine follow-up visit this question was a stepping stone to honesty and vulnerability. Feeling defeated and embarrassed, my patient had been previously afraid to talk about what he was going through. It was not so much that I asked the question—“how are you?”—but that I meant it and that I cared enough to wait for his response. At that moment, I offered him friendship.

The transformative power of God’s love melts away our sad self-portrait into His beautiful image.

That was all it took to make that the moment he truly opened to someone for the first time. This patient went from a place of loneliness, hurt, and emptiness to a place of being loved, accepted, and genuinely worthy in the eyes of another.

Weeks later, he has broken free and died to himself. I can see on his face as we’ve talked that he is finding that God loves him—not because he is lovable, but because God is love. The transformative power of God’s love melts away our sad self-portrait into His beautiful image.

YOU were there for this life-changing encounter.

YOUR prayers and support offer our patients true friendship in their unique life circumstances. Into lives of loneliness and hurt, YOU extend God’s love, care, and compassion.

This practice of healthcare extends far deeper than labs results and prescribing medications. YOU are providing a place where those who feel unlovable will be truly heard... and treasured. The team at Katallasso is ever grateful for the opportunities we have to serve, and I can tell you from firsthand experience that our patients are grateful too.

Thank you for making all this possible!


You Make the Difference!

Because of your generosity, we are able to faithfully pursue our mission! Your prayers and contributions to Katallasso Family Health Center help deliver our Savior’s mercy to people in need. You help to fully fund the delivery of missional, faith-based healthcare services to those lacking access to needed care. Your gifts further the living out of the Gospel by extending the love of Christ through compassionate healthcare, and we are grateful for your partnership. Thank you for your continued prayers and support!

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Dispensing the Love of Christ